nklr - just thinking

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nklr - just thinking

Post by jimmie@tca.net » Sat Dec 01, 2001 3:01 pm

Riding my KLR and thinking - if we kill all the Taliban, will we always be known as "taliwhackers"? Jim

Mark St.Hilaire, Sr

arches np : nklr

Post by Mark St.Hilaire, Sr » Sat Dec 01, 2001 3:35 pm

Hey Fred or whoever else, we got an early Christmas present in Massachusetts today; it was about 60 degrees and sunny. We generally are NOT motorcycle riding on the first of December, and if we are - we AREN'T warm! Anyway, I noticed another KLR on the side of the road with some other bikes, so stopped to say hello and see if it was someone I knew from the list. (It wasn't, but we might have a new member soon.) He was asking about the stuff I had done, bash plate and such, and when I mentioned getting the parts from Fred out in Moab, he said something like, "Oh man, I've been out there - Arches National Park is SO cool." My hearing stinks, so I'm not clear on *exactly* what he was saying about it, but it sounded like there is some kind of odd gravity or visual effect?? Is there something unusual like that?? (I know there's a place in the Salt Lake City area where you'd swear if you put your car in neutral it would roll one way, but it actually rolls the opposite direction, going against everything your senses tell you should be happening.) Wise men still seek Him... Mark St.Hilaire, Sr A15 HomePage: http://home.adelphia.net/~msaint/index.html KLR650 Pages: http://klr6500.tripod.com/ Valve Check & Adjustment Guide: http://klr6500.tripod.com/valves.html

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