skyline/taskers gap orv trails

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skyline/taskers gap orv trails

Post by » Tue Jun 27, 2000 11:14 am

Nice story on Skyline drive. Was down in that area Sunday myself, along with a fellow KLR rider. Our destination was Taskers Gap ORV trails. The ride there we took 50 West to Gilberts Coner to Rt 15 South to Rt 29/211. Rt29/211 goes through the mountains and has a nice 5-10 mile twisty mountain pass. Unlike Skyline Dr little traffic and it is 2 lanes for up hill traffic and 45-50 mph. KLR did great on stock Dunlops, saw a CBR F4 rider in the ditch...only his pride hurt! Rt 211 took us to Luray Caverns where we picked up 340 and then 675 to Taskers Gap. First trail we took was 3.5 miles before we had it dead ended, if the rocks were only grapefruit sized it would have been easy! Very technical riding, but the KLRs made it through with only a few dismounts and no real damage. Then rode some gravel and hard packed rutted trails, less technical more mud, and few jumps. Ride home took 340 North to Front Royal and picked up 55 East. Rt55 parallels 66 the whole way to Haymkarket/Gainesville except for a 3-5 mile section that is combined 66/55. Less traffic, lots of dotted yellow, no cross winds, and nice 55-75 mph sweeping turns. To avoid 66 the rest of the way you can take Rt15 to Rt50 or get right on Rt29 from Rt55. John

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