Re: I have ACS Basic code to Share for CFSound units

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I have ACS Basic code to Share for CFSound units

Post by deroseje » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:22 am

Hi all,
I've been trying to find the time to fully document the BASIC code I put together for the CFS3 and CFS4 sound units.  When I do, I will forward to Dave S. so it can be placed in an appropriate location on the club site.  In the meantime, if anyone would like the code, please contact me.  Just like all parts of my build, it's quite rudimentary.  That said, it took several months of mind numbing trial and error to get working and if I can help someone avoid that, I'd be more than happy to do so.
99% of my activity in this club has been spent greedily sucking valuable knowledge from you all and I'd like (even in this modest way) to give something back.  Anyway, here's what it does:
  • At power up, it does nothing
  • When I throw one of the programming bay switches it:
    • Plays a boot up sound file
    • waits 10 seconds
    • moves into a subroutine where he endlessly plays truly random files (256 total) with random pauses between files.
  • When the switch is turned off, he stops playing files
  • The switch will start it all over again. 
This sounds pretty simple, but it almost broke me! ;-)
Take care all,

David Schulpius
Posts: 1163
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:57 pm

Re: I have ACS Basic code to Share for CFSound units

Post by David Schulpius » Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:55 am

Jeff, Very cool! When you're ready to go public, let me know and I'll post it on the B9 Builders Club web site. Although I have a working code for my CF3 I've very interest. It's alway interesting to see how others sculpture their coding. It will be good to have a working example to offer on the web site.
Dave Schulpius
On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 11:22 PM, [B9Builders] wrote:

Hi all,
I've been trying to find the time to fully document the BASIC code I put together for the CFS3 and CFS4 sound units. When I do, I will forward to Dave S. so it can be placed in an appropriate location on the club site. In the meantime, if anyone would like the code, please contact me. Just like all parts of my build, it's quite rudimentary. That said, it took several months of mind numbing trial and error to get working and if I can help someone avoid that, I'd be more than happy to do so.
99% of my activity in this club has been spent greedily sucking valuable knowledge from you all and I'd like (even in this modest way) to give something back. Anyway, here's what it does:
  • At power up, it does nothing
  • When I throw one of the programming bay switches it:
    • Plays a boot up sound file
    • waits 10 seconds
    • moves into a subroutine where he endlessly plays truly random files (256 total) with random pauses between files.
  • When the switch is turned off, he stops playing files
  • The switch will start it all over again.
This sounds pretty simple, but it almost broke me! ;-)
Take care all,

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