TREK roof

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TREK roof

Post by » Sat Jul 22, 2000 4:46 pm

I suggest that every TREK owner check their TREK roof. I had a giant leak where the roof meets the front cap. The problem was that the Safari sealant had "deteriorated" and water was pouring inside and accumulating in the front overhead cabinets. The problem occurred when we were in the middle of a tornado producing storm that only produced high rain. No damage, but only because we were in the vehicle to "discover" the problem prior to being evacuated into the showers of the USAF FANCAMP at Offutt, NE. The fix the next morning was a trip to a local hardware store for caulk. I caulked both the front and rear caps where the Safari caulk had receded from the seam. Check our web site in a few weeks to see our latest adventures crossing and recrossing the US. Has any TREKer put over 32,000 miles on a TREK in the first two years? We have with five trips across the US (we missed Kansas) and a few trips to Florida from our home in Maryland. John McHale mchale@...

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